Portable Custom Busy Board Montessori Toys 8 Pages of Interactive Learning Quiet Books to Basic Dressing Motor Skills

Portable Custom Busy Board Montessori Toys 8 Pages of Interactive Learning Quiet Books to Basic Dressing Motor Skills

Lus piav qhia luv luv:

Khoom npe:Felt Busy Board

Khoom siv:100% Polyester Felt

Xim:Duab Xim

Thickness:3 hli / 4MM

MOQ:300 pcs

LOGO:Txais customization

OEM / ODM:Yog lawm

Ntim:OPP hnab los yog Custom packing

Feature:Environmentally phooj ywg cov ntaub ntawv

Tom qab kev pabcuam:Yog lawm

Express shipping:Kev thauj mus los hauv hiav txwv, Huab cua freight, Express

Cov nqe lus them nqi:T/T

Peb lub rooj tsav xwm me nyuam yaus tsis khoom muaj 8 nplooj ntawv ntawm kev sib tham ua si, suav nrog buckles, zippers, laces, thiab ntau dua, uas txhawb nqa kev tswj hwm lub cev muaj zog thiab kev sib koom tes ntawm tes, ua kom koj tus menyuam koom nrog thiab lom zem thaum tsim cov txuj ci tseem ceeb.

Product Detail

Khoom cim npe

Daim ntawv thov

Nrog rau kev kawm tshwj xeeb ntawm txhua nplooj ntawv, los ntawm kev hnav khaub ncaws ua haujlwm kom paub qhov zoo thiab ntau dua, phau ntawv no tsis khoom txhawb nqa kev daws teeb meem, kev paub zoo, thiab lwm yam kev txawj ntse tseem ceeb uas cov menyuam yaus yuav tsum tau ua kom zoo. Kev sib tham sib ua si txhawb lub hlwb kev loj hlob.



Peb tuaj yeem tsis tsuas yog ua cov xim uas pom hauv daim duab, tab sis kuj muaj cov xim palettes rau koj xaiv kom tau raws li koj cov kev xav tau xim.


Cov phau ntawv nyob ntsiag to yog tsim los ntawm cov ntaub ntawv mos thiab muaj kev nyab xeeb, ua kom lub sijhawm ua si zoo thiab ruaj ntseg. Lub compact thiab lub teeb yuag tsim ua rau nws zoo meej rau kev lom zem nyob rau ntawm qhov mus. Txawm nyob hauv lub tsheb, ntawm lub dav hlau, lossis thaum mus ncig ntev, cov rooj sib tham tsis khoom siv no yuav ua rau koj tus menyuam nyob thiab cov ntsiab lus.

Khoom siv

1.Tsis muaj tshuaj lom thiab tsw ntxhiab;
mos thiab ruaj, tsis yooj yim rau khawb qhov saum npoo ntawm cov khoom;
tuaj yeem muab tais thiab khaws cia kom txuag tau qhov chaw;
nyab xeeb rau cov neeg laus, menyuam yaus thiab tsiaj.
2.Washable thiab xim-ceev
Nws kuj yog qhov yooj yim heev rau ntxuav tes nrog dej txias ncaj qha thaum nws qias neeg.
Tom qab ntxuav, koj tuaj yeem nthuav tawm thiab dai nws kom qhuav.
Nws zoo li huv thiab tshiab tsis muaj fading.

  • Yav dhau los:
  • Tom ntej:

  • Sau koj cov lus ntawm no thiab xa tuaj rau peb